latitude left - определение. Что такое latitude left
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Что (кто) такое latitude left - определение

Latitudes; Latetude; Lattitude; Latitudinal; Planetocentric Latitude; Latittude; Geographic latitude; Authalic latitude; North latitude; South latitude; Geographic Latitude; Length of a degree of latitude; Isometric latitude; Astronomical latitude; Rectifying latitude; Conformal latitude; Geocentric latitude; Astronomic latitude; Geodetic Latitude; Parametric latitude; Reduced latitude; Ellipsoidal-harmonic coordinates; Latitude determination; Terran latitude
  • right
  • The orientation of the Earth at the December solstice.
  • ''graticule'']]. The vertical lines from pole to pole are lines of constant [[longitude]], or ''meridians''. The circles parallel to the [[equator]] are lines of constant latitude, or ''parallels''. The graticule shows the latitude and longitude of points on the surface. In this example meridians are spaced at 6° intervals and parallels at 4° intervals.
  • A sphere of radius ''a'' compressed along the ''z'' axis to form an oblate ellipsoid of revolution.
  • β}}) on the ellipsoid.
  • P(''u'',''β'',''λ'')}}
  • P(''r'',''θ''′,''λ'')}}
  • θ}}).
  • P(''ɸ'',''λ'',''h'')}}
  • Geoid
  • 200px
  • 200px
Найдено результатов: 1256
left: 20px">1.
left: 40px">The latitude of a place is its distance from the equator. Compare longitude
left: 60px">In the middle to high latitudes rainfall has risen steadily over the last 20-30 years.
left: 40px">N-VAR
left: 40px">
left: 40px">Latitude is also an adjective.
left: 60px">The army must cease military operations above 36 degrees latitude north.
left: 40px">ADJ: usu amount ADJ
left: 20px">2.
left: 40px">Latitude is freedom to choose the way in which you do something. (FORMAL)
left: 60px">He would be given every latitude in forming a new government...
left: 40px">N-UNCOUNT
left: 25px">·noun Extent; size; amplitude; scope.
left: 25px">II. Latitude ·noun The angular distance of a heavenly body from the ecliptic.
left: 25px">III. Latitude ·noun Distance north or south of the equator, measured on a meridian.
left: 25px">IV. Latitude ·noun Extent from side to side, or distance sidewise from a given point or line; breadth; width.
left: 25px">V. Latitude ·noun Room; space; freedom from confinement or restraint; hence, looseness; laxity; independence.
left: 25px">VI. Latitude ·noun Extent or breadth of signification, application, ·etc.; extent of deviation from a standard, as truth, style, ·etc.
left: 25px">·adj Of or pertaining to latitude; in the direction of latitude.
In geography, latitude is a coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the surface of the Earth or another celestial body. Latitude is given as an angle that ranges from –90° at the south pole to 90° at the north pole, with 0° at the Equator.
left: 40px">n.
left: 20px">freedom of action
left: 40px">1) to allow smb. latitude in (we are allowed quite a bit of latitude in selecting our subjects)
left: 20px">distance measured in degrees north or south of the equator
left: 40px">2) high; low latitudes
left: 40px">3) at a latitude (at a latitude of ten degrees north)
left: 20px">Distance north or south of the equator.
left: 20px">1.
left: 40px">Extent, range, scope, amplitude, compass.
left: 20px">2.
left: 40px">Freedom, liberty, indulgence, free play.
left: 20px">3.
left: 40px">Laxity, loose interpretation, indefinite meaning.
left: 20px">4.
left: 40px">(Geog.) Angular distance from the equator.
left: 20px">5.
left: 40px">(Astron.) Angular distance from the ecliptic.
geocentric latitude         
left: 20px">¦ noun the latitude at which a planet would appear if viewed from the centre of the earth.
left: 20px"> ['lat?tju:d]
left: 20px">¦ noun
left: 40px">1. the angular distance of a place north or south of the equator.
left: 40px">2. (latitudes) regions with reference to their temperature and distance from the equator: northern latitudes.
left: 40px">3. scope for freedom of action or thought.
left: 20px">
left: 20px">Derivatives
left: 20px">latitudinal adjective
left: 20px">latitudinally adverb
left: 20px">
left: 20px">Origin
left: 20px">ME: from L. latitudo 'breadth', from latus 'broad'.
left: 20px">regions with reference to their temperature and distance from the equator:
left: 20px"> latitude



In geography, latitude is a coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the surface of the Earth or another celestial body. Latitude is given as an angle that ranges from –90° at the south pole to 90° at the north pole, with 0° at the Equator. Lines of constant latitude, or parallels, run east–west as circles parallel to the equator. Latitude and longitude are used together as a coordinate pair to specify a location on the surface of the Earth.

On its own, the term "latitude" normally refers to the geodetic latitude as defined below. Briefly, the geodetic latitude of a point is the angle formed between the vector perpendicular (or normal) to the ellipsoidal surface from the point, and the plane of the equator.